Within the scope of the Global Game Jam (GGJ), the first of which was held in 2009 and organized simultaneously in many parts of the world on the same dates each year, developers come together in different centers and develop a game that works within 48 hours within the scope of the common theme. In Turkey, GGJ was first organized by ODTÜ TEKNOKENT ATOM and then GGJ ATOM become the biggest center of this international event.

According to the global theme announced on the first day, the developers start developing games simultaneously with the developers from all over the world for 48 hours. Moreover, it is also aimed to work with other developers to gain communication and sharing skills.

The GGJ Adventure of ODTÜ TEKNOKENT ATOM which was started as a single center with 48 participants and 13 games in 2009, was completed with 350 participants in 2020. Throughout the country, there are also GGJ centers in İstanbul, Samsun, Gaziantep and in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

For more information about Global Game Jam and to reach all year’s games, visit: